
Key Data
Date of Birth
Jan 1970
Is involved with the current companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Rating
ARIES TRADING LLP OC365585 01/08/2015 Dissolved
BALTFOX UNIVERSAL LLP OC373282 13/03/2012 Dissolved
BANANA EXCHANGE DEL EQUADOR LLP OC373168 08/03/2012 Dissolved
BENROSS TRADING LLP OC372584 20/02/2012 Dissolved
BERGFOX ALLIANCE LLP OC372748 23/02/2012 Dissolved
BIGPARK CAPITAL LLP OC371546 18/01/2012 Dissolved
BLACKMOND LLP OC371564 18/01/2012 Dissolved
BONDMAX SALES LLP OC373283 13/03/2012 Dissolved
BONDWEST LLP OC371790 26/01/2012 Dissolved
BONFORM COMMERCIAL LLP OC371569 18/01/2012 Dissolved
BONWEST INDUSTRIAL LLP OC371947 01/02/2012 Dissolved
BRADMOND SALES LLP OC372741 23/02/2012 Dissolved
BRANDCOURT LLP OC372744 23/02/2012 Dissolved
BRANDMILL LLP OC372305 10/02/2012 Dissolved
BRIGHTWEST TECHNOLOGY LLP OC371974 01/02/2012 Dissolved
BTQ ALLIANCE LLP OC371565 18/01/2012 Dissolved
BUILDROCK ENERGY LLP OC373292 13/03/2012 Dissolved
CABINET NETWORKS LLP OC371543 18/01/2012 Dissolved
CAMBERG SALES LLP OC371544 18/01/2012 Dissolved
CAPLORD PROJECTS LLP OC371549 18/01/2012 Dissolved
CAPMONT UNITED LLP OC371552 18/01/2012 Dissolved
CAPTRON MERCHANTS LLP OC373296 13/03/2012 Dissolved
CARGOLUX EXPRESS LLP OC372564 17/02/2012 Dissolved
CARLFOX SERVICES LLP OC368786 11/10/2011 Dissolved
CENTROEX VP LLP OC373692 23/03/2012 Dissolved
CHARTBERG LLP OC373289 13/03/2012 Dissolved
CHATFIELD SALES LLP OC372308 10/02/2012 Dissolved
CHESTERMAN SALES LLP OC371545 18/01/2012 Dissolved
COASTBURG IMPEX LLP OC373294 13/03/2012 Dissolved
COMMODORE IMPEX LLP OC371536 18/01/2012 Dissolved
CONTACT COMPLEX LLP OC372309 10/02/2012 Dissolved
CONTOLINE BUSINESS LLP OC371795 26/01/2012 Dissolved
CONTRATECH SALES LLP OC371955 01/02/2012 Dissolved
COUNTFOX ENTERPRISES LLP OC372257 09/02/2012 Dissolved
COUNTLEX IMPORT LLP OC371555 18/01/2012 Dissolved
CRAWLEY SALES LLP OC372310 10/02/2012 Dissolved
CRESTIMPEX LLP OC371556 18/01/2012 Dissolved
CROWMILL SALES LLP OC371964 01/02/2012 Dissolved
CROWMONT SALES LLP OC368785 11/10/2011 Dissolved
CROWNBURG SALES LLP OC372734 23/02/2012 Dissolved
DANBELL IMPORT LLP OC371965 01/02/2012 Dissolved
DANSTONE EXPRESS LLP OC372973 01/03/2012 Dissolved
DARTBURG TECHNICS LLP OC368787 11/10/2011 Dissolved
DARTLEY CAPITAL LLP OC371557 18/01/2012 Dissolved
DAYHILL SYSTEMS LLP OC371554 18/01/2012 Dissolved
DELMOORE EXPRESS LLP OC373853 28/03/2012 Dissolved
DELTACOURT UNIVERSAL LLP OC372586 20/02/2012 Dissolved
DEXNET COMMERCE LLP OC372273 09/02/2012 Dissolved
DEXPORT UNIVERSAL LLP OC371949 01/02/2012 Dissolved
DIAMONDEX LLP OC371566 18/01/2012 Dissolved
DIGIFLEX TECHNICS LLP OC371797 26/01/2012 Dissolved
DIGIFORM TECHNOLOGY LLP OC371567 18/01/2012 Dissolved
DIGIMARK MERCHANTS LLP OC371956 01/02/2012 Dissolved
DOCKBERG INDUSTRIES LLP OC373293 13/03/2012 Dissolved
DORCHESTER ALLIANCE LLP OC371550 18/01/2012 Dissolved
DREAMPORT TRADE LLP OC372312 10/02/2012 Dissolved
EATONSTREET LLP OC373286 13/03/2012 Dissolved
ECOJET SYSTEMS LLP OC373847 28/03/2012 Dissolved
EQR COMMERCE LLP OC372266 09/02/2012 Dissolved
ERGOTEX LLP OC371789 26/01/2012 Dissolved
EUROCROSS INDUSTRIES LLP OC371963 01/02/2012 Dissolved
EXOPART SALES LLP OC371561 18/01/2012 Dissolved
EXTRAMOND TRANSIT LLP OC372739 23/02/2012 Dissolved
FAIRBROOK SALES LLP OC372262 09/02/2012 Dissolved
FAIRMONT COMMERCE LLP OC373846 28/03/2012 Dissolved
FINEBRAND SALES LLP OC371793 26/01/2012 Dissolved
FINESOFT EXPORT LLP OC372737 23/02/2012 Dissolved
FINHOLM LLP OC368820 12/10/2011 Dissolved
FINROAD COMPANY LLP OC371957 01/02/2012 Dissolved
FINTRADE MERCHANTS LLP OC372977 01/03/2012 Dissolved
FIREPORT CONTRACTS LLP OC371553 18/01/2012 Dissolved
FORLAND DEVELOPMENT LLP OC372740 23/02/2012 Dissolved
FORSTBERG EXPERTS LLP OC371796 26/01/2012 Dissolved
FREIBURG SALES LLP OC372979 01/03/2012 Dissolved
Francolux Sales Llp OC371592 19/01/2012 Dissolved
GFG EXPORT LLP OC372307 10/02/2012 Dissolved
GLOBAL SHIP SERVICES LLP OC372161 07/02/2012 Dissolved
GLOBENET ALLIANCE LLP OC372573 17/02/2012 Dissolved
GREENFORM RESOURCES LLP OC372319 10/02/2012 Dissolved
GROSSHOLM TRADE LLP OC371802 26/01/2012 Dissolved
HAROLD RESOURCES LLP OC372967 01/03/2012 Dissolved
HIGHBURG LLP OC371559 18/01/2012 Dissolved
HILLSTAR COMPLEX LLP OC371958 01/02/2012 Dissolved
HOWLAND SALES LLP OC371948 01/02/2012 Dissolved
ICELAND CONTRACTS LLP OC372258 09/02/2012 Dissolved
IMPEXPROJECT LLP OC373848 28/03/2012 Dissolved
INCOMAX IMPORT LLP OC373287 13/03/2012 Dissolved
INDEXTRANSIT LLP OC371952 01/02/2012 Dissolved
INTERPLUS TEXTILE LLP OC372314 10/02/2012 Dissolved
INTRAMARK ALLIANCE LLP OC371801 26/01/2012 Dissolved
ITG COMPLEX LLP OC372323 10/02/2012 Dissolved
JULIET SALES LLP OC372268 09/02/2012 Dissolved
KENMOOR ASSOCIATES LLP OC372969 01/03/2012 Dissolved
KENTLINE RESOURCES LLP OC372747 23/02/2012 Dissolved
KENTMILL TRADING LLP OC372311 10/02/2012 Dissolved
KG COMMERCE LLP OC372326 10/02/2012 Dissolved
LANDO TRANSIT LLP OC372976 01/03/2012 Dissolved
LCM ALLIANCE LLP OC372263 09/02/2012 Dissolved
LEATHERBOX LLP OC372251 09/02/2012 Dissolved
LEOCORD ORGANIZATION LLP OC371951 01/02/2012 Dissolved
LEYFORM IMPORT LLP OC371568 18/01/2012 Dissolved
LEYGRAND INDUSTRIES LLP OC372570 17/02/2012 Dissolved
LINTOWN SYSTEMS LLP OC373849 28/03/2012 Dissolved
LONGMAX TRANSIT LLP OC372321 10/02/2012 Dissolved
LOUISVILLE SERVICES LLP OC371971 01/02/2012 Dissolved
LOWPARK BUSINESS LLP OC372983 01/03/2012 Dissolved
LUXTRANS EXPRESS LLP OC371954 01/02/2012 Dissolved
MACCARTHY UNIVERSAL LLP OC349686 07/09/2016 Dissolved
MERCA UNION TRADING LLP OC341250 24/05/2012 Dissolved
MILECOM ENTERPRISES LLP OC371975 01/02/2012 Dissolved
MONDWELL CONTRACTS LLP OC372961 01/03/2012 Dissolved
MONOFIELD LLP OC372324 10/02/2012 Dissolved
MONTPLAN LLP OC371976 01/02/2012 Dissolved
NAD PRODUCTIONS LLP OC372728 23/02/2012 Dissolved
NATLEX SERVICES LLP OC371960 01/02/2012 Dissolved
NETEXPERT SUPPLIES LLP OC372742 23/02/2012 Dissolved
NETSTAR ASSOCIATES LLP OC371570 18/01/2012 Dissolved
NEWMAN ALLIANCE LLP OC372249 09/02/2012 Dissolved
NORDLINK LLP OC334012 02/02/2012 Dissolved
NORMEX INDUSTRIAL LLP OC372745 23/02/2012 Dissolved
NOVITRON ENERGY LLP OC371560 18/01/2012 Dissolved
OVERMOND LLP OC372260 09/02/2012 Dissolved
PARKFIELD IMPEX LLP OC372750 23/02/2012 Dissolved
PAULA ENERGY LLP OC372968 01/03/2012 Dissolved
PHILADELPHIA SALES LLP OC371535 18/01/2012 Dissolved
POLYBERG INDUSTRIES LLP OC371799 26/01/2012 Dissolved
POSTEX COMMERCIAL LLP OC372743 23/02/2012 Dissolved
PRIMECOM INDUSTRIAL LLP OC371791 26/01/2012 Dissolved
PRIMESTAR PRODUCTS LLP OC372746 23/02/2012 Dissolved
PRIMEWOOD CONTRACTS LLP OC373288 13/03/2012 Dissolved
PROTRADE ORGANIZATION LLP OC372982 01/03/2012 Dissolved
QUASITRON SALES LLP OC371800 26/01/2012 Dissolved
QUESTHOLM SERVICES LLP OC372962 01/03/2012 Dissolved
RAILCROSS UNIVERSAL LLP OC372571 17/02/2012 Dissolved
RAINFOLD WORLDWIDE LLP OC371970 01/02/2012 Dissolved
RANGER VENTURES LLP OC373284 13/03/2012 Dissolved
REDWALK SERVICES LLP OC372978 01/03/2012 Dissolved
REXPORT TRADE LLP OC372330 10/02/2012 Dissolved
RICHDORF LLP OC372972 01/03/2012 Dissolved
RIDER IMPORT LLP OC373851 28/03/2012 Dissolved
RIGEL MAX LLP OC372316 10/02/2012 Dissolved
RIGHTFORM RESOURCES LLP OC372957 01/03/2012 Dissolved
RIOFLEX SYSTEMS LLP OC371558 18/01/2012 Dissolved
ROWLEY SALES LLP OC372332 10/02/2012 Dissolved
SANDA COMMERCE LLP OC372269 09/02/2012 Dissolved
SHELLROCK LLP OC372965 01/03/2012 Dissolved
SKYBERG BUSINESS LLP OC373291 13/03/2012 Dissolved
SOUTHHILL IMPEX LLP OC372325 10/02/2012 Dissolved
STARBERG INDUSTRIAL LLP OC372259 09/02/2012 Dissolved
STREAMFOX EXPRESS LLP OC372318 10/02/2012 Dissolved
STREAMLIGHT VENTURES LLP OC371959 01/02/2012 Dissolved
SYSTEMTECH EXPORT LLP OC372267 09/02/2012 Dissolved
Silvernet Projects Llp OC371590 19/01/2012 Dissolved
Supramond Impex Llp OC371593 19/01/2012 Dissolved
TELBERG EXPORT LLP OC372264 09/02/2012 Dissolved
TEXMOND SALES LLP OC372971 01/03/2012 Dissolved
TEXPORT EXPERTS LLP OC371803 26/01/2012 Dissolved
TEXTRADE COMMERCIAL LLP OC372738 23/02/2012 Dissolved
TOOLMARK PRODUCTS LLP OC371962 01/02/2012 Dissolved
TOURMONDE LLP OC372303 09/02/2012 Dissolved
TRADEHAWK EXPRESS LLP OC372576 17/02/2012 Dissolved
TRADEINVEST ALLIANCE LLP OC372261 09/02/2012 Dissolved
TREASURY EXPORT LLP OC372250 09/02/2012 Dissolved
TRIOFORM NETWORKS LLP OC372963 01/03/2012 Dissolved
TRONHILL SALES LLP OC373850 28/03/2012 Dissolved
Trendmark Enterprises Llp OC371595 19/01/2012 Dissolved
Twilight Universal Llp OC371596 19/01/2012 Dissolved
UNIVERSE ALLIANCE LLP OC371798 26/01/2012 Dissolved
Uphill Commercial Llp OC371591 19/01/2012 Dissolved
VOXPORT SALES LLP OC373295 13/03/2012 Dissolved
WAKEBURG SALES LLP OC372572 17/02/2012 Dissolved
WALKFORM LLP OC372274 09/02/2012 Dissolved
WALKMORE IMPEX LLP OC372322 10/02/2012 Dissolved
WALKSIDE LLP OC371794 26/01/2012 Dissolved
WATERLAKE LLP OC373290 13/03/2012 Dissolved
WATERLANE SALES LLP OC372275 09/02/2012 Dissolved
WAYFIELD ALLIANCE LLP OC372272 09/02/2012 Dissolved
WEEL STEEL LLP OC372729 23/02/2012 Dissolved
WILLMOND LLP OC371973 01/02/2012 Dissolved
WINMARK SALES LLP OC372569 17/02/2012 Dissolved
WORKCITY SERVICES LLP OC371977 01/02/2012 Dissolved
Watford Resources Llp OC371589 19/01/2012 Dissolved
Wexford Technology Llp OC371597 19/01/2012 Dissolved
YARDWAY PROJECTS LLP OC372964 01/03/2012 Dissolved
Was formerly involved in the following companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Date Resigned Rating
BEDFORD ALLIANCE LLP OC371548 18/01/2012 27/03/2023 Dissolved
BLACKWALL PROJECTS LLP OC372302 09/02/2012 24/02/2012 Dissolved
COMWEST IMPORT LLP OC371792 26/01/2012 20/10/2022 Bronze
CROSSMAN BUSINESS LLP OC372069 03/02/2012 25/01/2021 Dissolved
DANUBE TRANSPORT SERVICE LLP OC373385 14/03/2012 14/03/2021 Gold
FLASHBERG SERVICES LLP OC373285 13/03/2012 23/04/2021 Gold
FRONTSTAR ALLIANCE LLP OC372974 01/03/2012 06/06/2012 Dissolved
LANEMARK TRADE LLP OC372315 10/02/2012 11/03/2019 Dissolved
LUXTRON WORLDWIDE LLP OC372568 17/02/2012 15/05/2021 Dissolved
MARLOW SALES LLP OC372966 01/03/2012 10/12/2012 Dissolved
MAXBROOK SOLUTIONS LLP OC371961 01/02/2012 22/08/2018 Gold
NORDRAIN TECHNICS LLP OC372749 23/02/2012 20/01/2021 Bronze
PORTMOND VENTURES LLP OC372270 09/02/2012 25/07/2016 Dissolved
WALKBRIDGE EXPORT LLP OC372271 09/02/2012 01/02/2023 Bronze
WOODSMITH INDUSTRIAL LLP OC373854 28/03/2012 22/02/2021 Dissolved
WORLDFOUND UNIVERSAL LLP OC371594 19/01/2012 15/05/2021 Dissolved