Name | Company Number | Date Appointed | Rating |
ABERNO BUSINESS LLP | OC375053 | 09/05/2012 | Dissolved |
ADS NET MEDIA LLP | OC389463 | 26/11/2013 | Dissolved |
ALFRISTON COMPANY LLP | OC367394 | 17/08/2011 | Dissolved |
ALSTON UNION LLP | OC369050 | 20/10/2011 | Dissolved |
ALTAQUEST CONSULTING LLP | OC366052 | 29/06/2011 | Dissolved |
APIO LLP | OC366498 | 14/07/2011 | Dissolved |
APRICOT TRADE LLP | OC393935 | 25/06/2014 | Dissolved |
ARINGTON BUSINESS LLP | OC368610 | 05/10/2011 | Dissolved |
ARMADEKS LLP | OC364270 | 04/05/2011 | Dissolved |
ASHUR LAW LLP | OC358095 | 22/09/2010 | Dissolved |
ASIA INTER TRADE COMPANY LLP | OC361864 | 16/02/2011 | Dissolved |
ASTON COMMERCE LLP | OC359468 | 11/11/2010 | Dissolved |
ASTWOOD BUSINESS LLP | OC395697 | 06/10/2014 | Dissolved |
ATLANTIKS UNION LLP | OC365762 | 21/06/2011 | Dissolved |
BARKSTON SOLUTIONS LLP | OC368778 | 10/10/2011 | Dissolved |
BAZENTO LLP | OC355401 | 04/06/2010 | Dissolved |
BELOTON INDUSTRY LLP | OC355402 | 04/06/2010 | Dissolved |
BENTWAY EXPERTS LLP | OC343136 | 22/05/2018 | Bronze |
BIOLAR SERVICES LLP | OC351968 | 01/02/2010 | Dissolved |
BIRLINGHAM SOLUTIONS LLP | OC370306 | 30/11/2011 | Dissolved |
BONWILL TRADE LLP | OC364109 | 06/10/2016 | Dissolved |
BOREAS CONSULTING LLP | OC351962 | 01/02/2010 | Dissolved |
BORGMARK LLP | OC363358 | 01/04/2011 | Dissolved |
BORINVEST SERVICES LLP | SO303861 | 22/03/2012 | Dissolved |
BRANDESTON SOLUTION LLP | SO304390 | 16/04/2013 | Dissolved |
BRENON TRADE LLP | OC374515 | 20/04/2012 | Dissolved |
BRIDGETOWN SOLUTIONS LLP | SO304047 | 14/08/2012 | Dissolved |
BRIGHT STAR BUSINESS LLP | OC388102 | 25/09/2013 | Dissolved |
BRINGTON ENTERPRISE LLP | OC359467 | 11/11/2010 | Dissolved |
BRIXMAN SOLUTIONS LLP | OC383745 | 26/03/2013 | Dissolved |
BROCKTON TRADE LLP | SO304384 | 15/04/2013 | Dissolved |
BRUNEX TRADE LLP | OC362224 | 28/02/2011 | Dissolved |
BRUNO TRADE LLP | OC359466 | 11/11/2010 | Dissolved |
BURWELL SALES LLP | OC378114 | 04/09/2012 | Dissolved |
CANBERG TRADING LLP | OC352859 | 04/03/2010 | Dissolved |
CAPITAL EMPIRE LLP | OC396437 | 13/11/2014 | Dissolved |
CHERINTON BUSINESS LLP | OC372048 | 02/02/2012 | Dissolved |
CHILTOU MANAGEMENT LLP | OC375048 | 09/05/2012 | Dissolved |
CHRISTIAN STYLE LLP | OC311452 | 08/06/2012 | Dissolved |
CLAYTON SALES LLP | OC367335 | 16/08/2011 | Dissolved |
CONALL LLP | SO304429 | 02/06/2015 | Dissolved |
CONOR BUSINESS LLP | OC391186 | 17/02/2014 | Dissolved |
CORTEKS BUSINESS LLP | OC364677 | 17/05/2011 | Dissolved |
DITREX SALES LLP | SO304177 | 03/12/2012 | Dissolved |
DOMBERG LLP | OC365722 | 21/06/2011 | Dissolved |
DOVREKS SERVICES LLP | OC365764 | 21/06/2011 | Dissolved |
E-WAY TRADE LLP | OC374825 | 27/04/2012 | Dissolved |
EDENHAL ENTERPRISE LLP | OC378937 | 02/10/2012 | Dissolved |
EDINGTON SERVICES LLP | OC371508 | 17/01/2012 | Dissolved |
ELEANA INCORPORATION LLP | OC359464 | 11/11/2010 | Dissolved |
ELKSTONE SOLUTIONS LLP | SO304072 | 03/09/2012 | Dissolved |
EMILTON TRADING LLP | OC365755 | 21/06/2011 | Dissolved |
EULER SOLUTION LLP | OC358929 | 22/10/2010 | Dissolved |
EVAL MACHINERY ENGINEERING LLP | OC368863 | 12/10/2011 | Dissolved |
FIRETTY LLP | OC358928 | 22/10/2010 | Dissolved |
FOLIMEX PARTNERS LLP | OC366029 | 28/06/2011 | Dissolved |
FRONTECH SALES LLP | OC382787 | 22/02/2013 | Dissolved |
GARANT PROPERTY LLP | OC359788 | 24/11/2010 | Dissolved |
GERTON BUSINESS LLP | SO304087 | 20/09/2012 | Dissolved |
GRANEX BUSINESS LLP | OC365526 | 14/06/2011 | Dissolved |
GRANTEX BUSINESS LLP | OC364854 | 23/05/2011 | Dissolved |
GRAVLEX UNION LLP | OC370556 | 30/11/2015 | Dissolved |
GROM INDUSTRY LLP | OC353761 | 31/03/2010 | Dissolved |
GROSMONT SOLUTIONS LLP | OC378649 | 20/09/2012 | Dissolved |
GROTEX MANAGEMENT LLP | SO304195 | 11/12/2012 | Dissolved |
HAMERTON SOLUTION LLP | SO303784 | 09/02/2012 | Dissolved |
HILDERTON TRADING LLP | OC351967 | 01/02/2010 | Dissolved |
IMPERA TRADE LLP | OC414749 | 23/11/2016 | Dissolved |
INDEXIA CONSULTING LLP | OC351964 | 01/02/2010 | Dissolved |
INFERTA LLP | OC364230 | 03/05/2011 | Dissolved |
INNOVATION BUSINESS PARTNERS LLP | OC359790 | 24/11/2010 | Dissolved |
INSERVICE TRADE LLP | OC357970 | 15/09/2015 | Dissolved |
INSOLUTION TRADE LLP | OC364631 | 16/05/2011 | Dissolved |
INTERLIGHT CONSULTING LLP | OC358930 | 22/10/2010 | Dissolved |
INTERTRADE BUSINESS LLP | OC356709 | 26/07/2010 | Dissolved |
INTROSOLUTION TRADE LLP | OC384861 | 02/05/2013 | Dissolved |
INVENSOL LLP | OC358584 | 11/10/2010 | Dissolved |
KARDELION LLP | OC364269 | 01/06/2018 | Dissolved |
KEDINGTON DEVELOPMENT LLP | OC372329 | 10/02/2012 | Dissolved |
KINETON TRADE LLP | OC395696 | 06/10/2014 | Dissolved |
KOPLING LLP | OC310473 | 07/10/2010 | Dissolved |
KORTON TRADE LLP | OC364853 | 23/05/2011 | Dissolved |
KRONERT ENTERPRISE LLP | OC366021 | 28/06/2011 | Dissolved |
LANDROAD INCORPORATION LLP | OC378112 | 04/09/2012 | Dissolved |
LEMPTON SALES LLP | SO304086 | 20/09/2012 | Dissolved |
LENGTON SALES LLP | OC378626 | 20/09/2012 | Dissolved |
LINWAY MANAGEMENT LLP | OC370303 | 30/11/2011 | Dissolved |
LONGHAM SALES LLP | OC369090 | 21/10/2011 | Dissolved |
LONGKROFT TRADE LLP | OC378940 | 02/10/2012 | Dissolved |
MALDON TRADING LLP | SO303930 | 09/05/2012 | Dissolved |
MALIA BUSINESS LLP | OC355400 | 04/06/2010 | Dissolved |
MARILIMA LLP | OC363746 | 12/04/2011 | Dissolved |
MARTON SOLUTIONS LLP | OC371510 | 17/01/2012 | Dissolved |
MAXPORT SALES LLP | OC352861 | 04/03/2010 | Dissolved |
MELPORT SOLUTIONS LLP | OC366050 | 29/06/2011 | Dissolved |
MELTON OPPORTUNITIES LLP | OC353759 | 31/03/2010 | Dissolved |
MILLENARY SHIPPING LLP | OC387756 | 10/09/2013 | Dissolved |
MILROW SOLUTIONS LLP | OC371850 | 27/01/2012 | Dissolved |
MIRAMAKS SOLUTIONS LLP | OC365525 | 14/06/2011 | Dissolved |
MIRENDA SOLUTION LLP | OC382658 | 20/02/2013 | Dissolved |
MITRAPOLIS LLP | OC383903 | 02/04/2013 | Dissolved |
MOLLINGTON LLP | OC368612 | 05/10/2011 | Dissolved |
MS INVEST VENTURE ENERGY ENGINEERING LLP | OC377393 | 03/08/2012 | Dissolved |
MT EUROLOGISTIC LLP | OC383933 | 03/04/2013 | Dissolved |
MVE GEO LTD | 07863462 | 28/11/2011 | Dissolved |
NEOTEK INVEST LLP | OC352834 | 04/03/2010 | Dissolved |
NORSTON ALLIANCE LLP | OC376620 | 04/07/2012 | Dissolved |
NOZBERG SERVICES LLP | OC380902 | 11/12/2012 | Dissolved |
OXTON BUSINESS LLP | OC373685 | 22/03/2012 | Dissolved |
PICARD BUSINESS LLP | SO302965 | 12/08/2010 | Dissolved |
PIPE AND METAL CO LTD | 08476803 | 08/04/2013 | Dissolved |
POLLUX INDUSTRY LLP | OC360586 | 04/01/2011 | Dissolved |
PRESTON ALLIANCE LLP | OC376618 | 04/07/2012 | Dissolved |
RAGLAN UNION LLP | OC370293 | 29/11/2011 | Dissolved |
RELINE VENTURE LLP | OC362227 | 28/02/2011 | Dissolved |
RELTONO COMPANY LLP | OC352837 | 04/03/2010 | Dissolved |
RIGONDA TRADE LLP | OC382615 | 19/02/2013 | Dissolved |
RINGSMER PARTNERS LLP | SO303771 | 02/02/2012 | Dissolved |
RIVERMOND SOLUTION LLP | OC361597 | 08/02/2011 | Dissolved |
RIZOMA LLP | OC391994 | 17/03/2014 | Dissolved |
ROCHESTER SALES LLP | OC375055 | 09/05/2012 | Dissolved |
ROYTON PARTNERS LLP | OC371511 | 17/01/2012 | Dissolved |
SALINGTON TRADE LLP | OC380669 | 03/12/2012 | Dissolved |
SANDFORD SALES LLP | OC371853 | 27/01/2012 | Dissolved |
SHEFFORD MANAGEMENT LLP | OC367891 | 08/09/2011 | Dissolved |
SHERBORNE TRADE LLP | SO303901 | 19/04/2012 | Dissolved |
SILESIA CONSULTING LLP | SO302966 | 12/08/2010 | Dissolved |
SILVERTY DEVELOPMENT LLP | OC358923 | 22/10/2010 | Not Trading |
SKEIRON LLP | OC352170 | 09/02/2010 | Dissolved |
SKY TELECOMMUNICATION GROUP LLP | OC407323 | 17/03/2016 | Dissolved |
SLAPTON MANAGEMENT LLP | OC383743 | 26/03/2013 | Dissolved |
SOLEX ASSETS LLP | OC366034 | 29/06/2011 | Dissolved |
SOLVENTA TRADING LLP | OC363753 | 12/04/2011 | Dissolved |
SONORA PARTNERS LLP | OC351970 | 01/02/2010 | Dissolved |
SORBERTON TRADE LLP | OC367299 | 15/08/2011 | Dissolved |
SPENDEX LLP | OC351966 | 01/02/2010 | Dissolved |
STANTON INCORPORATION LLP | OC378941 | 02/10/2012 | Dissolved |
STAPLTON SOLUTIONS LLP | OC377632 | 14/08/2012 | Dissolved |
TALINDA LLP | OC364323 | 05/05/2011 | Dissolved |
TEROLY LLP | OC364271 | 04/05/2011 | Dissolved |
TRADINGTON LLP | OC370288 | 29/11/2011 | Dissolved |
TRANSFERTA SALES LLP | OC366040 | 29/06/2011 | Dissolved |
TRANSHOLD MANAGEMENT LLP | OC368842 | 12/10/2011 | Dissolved |
TREDINGTON SERVICES LLP | OC367887 | 08/09/2011 | Dissolved |
TROVELEX LLP | OC364629 | 16/05/2011 | Dissolved |
TUGFORD MANAGEMENT LLP | OC390552 | 23/01/2014 | Dissolved |
TURWESTON SALES LLP | SO303753 | 27/01/2012 | Dissolved |
UNICOM CONSULTING LLP | OC353769 | 31/03/2010 | Dissolved |
UNIMED DEVELOPMENT LLP | OC365500 | 13/06/2011 | Dissolved |
UNIT ENTERPRISE LLP | OC396439 | 13/11/2014 | Dissolved |
VEGA TRADE PARTNERSHIP LLP | OC360587 | 04/01/2011 | Dissolved |
VELINA SALES LLP | OC351961 | 01/02/2010 | Dissolved |
VENTRANO SALES LLP | OC364844 | 20/05/2011 | Dissolved |
WADE BUSINESS LLP | OC392458 | 03/04/2014 | Dissolved |
WALKSTONE TRADE LLP | OC361107 | 24/01/2011 | Dissolved |
WESTRON SALES LLP | SO303786 | 09/02/2012 | Dissolved |
WILMOR BUSINESS LLP | OC352171 | 09/02/2010 | Dissolved |
WINSLEY BUSINESS LLP | OC404191 | 08/02/2016 | Dissolved |
WINSTON TRADE LLP | OC370290 | 29/11/2011 | Dissolved |
WINSTOR TRADE LLP | OC364843 | 20/05/2011 | Dissolved |
WITAN BUSINESS LLP | OC352833 | 04/03/2010 | Dissolved |
WORLD RATING CHAMBER LLP | OC387022 | 05/08/2013 | Dissolved |
YANCUI IMPORT AND EXPORT CORPORATION LLP | OC369466 | 02/11/2011 | Dissolved |
Name | Company Number | Date Appointed | Date Resigned | Rating |
ARLINGTON SALES LLP | OC372055 | 02/02/2012 | 11/12/2014 | Dissolved |
BONWILL TRADE LLP | OC364109 | 06/10/2016 | 06/10/2016 | Dissolved |
BYFORD TRADING LLP | OC353772 | 31/03/2010 | 01/04/2013 | Dissolved |
CHARLTON PARTNERS LLP | OC374527 | 20/04/2012 | 08/11/2023 | Bronze |
CONCORD XXI INC LLP | OC365022 | 27/05/2011 | 16/04/2014 | Dissolved |
DELTACOM TRADING LTD | 07765460 | 07/09/2011 | 07/09/2012 | Dissolved |
ELEON ENTERPRISE LLP | OC358925 | 22/10/2010 | 07/11/2013 | Dissolved |
ELMSTRED TRADE LLP | SO303772 | 02/02/2012 | 25/01/2017 | Dissolved |
ENTELOS LIMITED | 05291661 | 02/11/2011 | 02/11/2011 | Dissolved |
FORTOWN CORPORATION LLP | OC336846 | 22/06/2012 | 01/06/2017 | Dissolved |
HAYTON TRADE LLP | OC368317 | 22/09/2011 | 28/08/2012 | Dissolved |
HOUNDWOOD SALES LLP | OC368314 | 22/09/2011 | 12/09/2012 | Dissolved |
HUNSTERSON LLP | OC369400 | 01/11/2011 | 03/05/2019 | Not Trading |
INTERINVEST & TRADING LLP | OC366018 | 28/06/2011 | 16/04/2014 | Dissolved |
LIVERTY SOLUTIONS LLP | OC384863 | 02/05/2013 | 24/04/2017 | Dissolved |
LT SOLUTIONS LLP | OC365720 | 21/06/2011 | 13/05/2015 | Dissolved |
MAGNITEX SALES LLP | OC364722 | 18/05/2011 | 02/12/2011 | Dissolved |
MELDON SOLUTIONS LLP | SO304097 | 01/10/2012 | 27/11/2018 | Dissolved |
MILDORF TRADE LLP | OC317446 | 03/07/2015 | 09/09/2019 | Silver |
NELFORD RESOURCES LLP | OC353749 | 31/03/2010 | 08/06/2016 | Dissolved |
OORJIT COMPANY LLP | OC365232 | 06/06/2011 | 12/05/2014 | Dissolved |
PAULTON MANAGEMENT LLP | OC373009 | 01/03/2012 | 12/02/2014 | Strike Off |
PREMIUM HOLIDAY RESORTS LLP | OC358168 | 24/09/2010 | 30/06/2014 | Dissolved |
RAUTEKS BUSINESS LLP | OC364727 | 18/05/2011 | 08/06/2015 | Dissolved |
SAOLIS LLP | OC363707 | 11/04/2011 | 08/04/2013 | Dissolved |
SHELFORD SALES LLP | OC372320 | 10/02/2012 | 08/01/2014 | Dissolved |
STEEL INDUSTRIAL COMPANY LLP | OC377464 | 07/08/2012 | 11/08/2020 | Dissolved |
TARLINGER LLP | OC363705 | 11/04/2011 | 11/03/2019 | Gold |
TERRA LOGISTIC LLP | OC366055 | 29/06/2011 | 30/06/2014 | Dissolved |
TRANS-ENERGY LLP | OC365227 | 06/06/2011 | 12/05/2015 | Dissolved |
VERDENTO LLP | OC364681 | 17/05/2011 | 08/04/2014 | Bronze |
VILANDES LLP | OC359463 | 11/11/2010 | 01/10/2012 | Dissolved |
VILETON PRODUCTION LLP | OC413675 | 13/09/2016 | 08/12/2016 | Dissolved |
WARGRAVE TRADING LLP | OC370544 | 07/12/2011 | 31/10/2013 | Dissolved |
ZELEN PARTNERS LLP | OC352863 | 04/03/2010 | 08/05/2015 | Dissolved |
ZELTEK BUSINESS LLP | OC351969 | 01/02/2010 | 11/02/2016 | Dissolved |