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Key Data
Date of Birth
Aug 1961
Is involved with the current companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Rating
AS PERFECT FOLLOW LLP OC396775 27/11/2014 Dissolved
B.A TECHNOLOGIES LTD 10038626 02/03/2016 Dissolved
BASE ENERGY LIMITED 08027405 23/01/2014 Dissolved
CALYPSO COMMERCE LIMITED 08695068 18/09/2013 Dissolved
CASSADAY MANAGEMENT LLP OC391577 28/02/2014 Dissolved
CLANYMELT TRADING LLP OC396242 03/11/2014 Dissolved
CLEVER OCEAN LIMITED 07311561 03/09/2013 Dissolved
COLOGICAL LTD 08610507 15/07/2013 Dissolved
DMT PHARM LTD. 08290983 20/11/2015 Dissolved
E-FOB COMPANY LIMITED 08839264 22/01/2015 Dissolved
ENDICOTT CORPORATE LLP OC391576 28/02/2014 Dissolved
ENORMATIC LTD 08610476 15/07/2013 Dissolved
FORNEL INTERNATIONAL LIMITED 07426756 01/11/2014 Dissolved
GLOBAL ESTATE & ASSETS LTD. 09228414 22/09/2014 Dissolved
GO WEBTEL LLP OC394035 01/07/2014 Dissolved
INTRABUILT LLP OC398786 12/03/2015 Dissolved
KENDRICKS PROGRESS LLP OC396244 03/11/2014 Dissolved
LANFRAY INVESTMENTS LTD. 08182249 11/04/2013 Dissolved
LAVADA CONSULTING LIMITED 05350077 16/10/2013 Dissolved
MERTON CONNECTION LLP OC391575 28/02/2014 Dissolved
NETTOGO LIMITED 10482060 16/11/2016 Dissolved
NEW-IT ENTERPRISE LTD. 08640753 06/08/2013 Dissolved
NORD COMMERCE LTD. 08739835 21/10/2013 Dissolved
PEADLING ENGINEERING LLP OC391571 28/02/2014 Dissolved
PHARMALOG LIMITED 05424623 28/04/2014 Dissolved
PHARMONYX LIMITED 04092710 13/07/2015 Dissolved
PRIMESKILL LIMITED 03506125 30/05/2013 Dissolved
RECYCLING PROCESS COMPANY LLP OC394314 16/07/2014 Dissolved
RIBBLE ADVANCE LLP OC396249 03/11/2014 Dissolved
SANTURA TRADING LTD 07053812 01/10/2015 Dissolved
SHARED WOOD LIMITED 06475947 16/01/2014 Dissolved
SMILOW PARTNERS LLP OC391580 28/02/2014 Dissolved
SONNENSTEIN ADVISORY LTD 05465361 28/04/2014 Dissolved
SOURSTEEL LTD 09977860 29/01/2016 Dissolved
SWALLOWHURST DEVELOPMENT LLP OC396458 13/11/2014 Dissolved
TECH-LOOK LLP OC394379 21/07/2014 Dissolved
THEMIS PARTNERS LTD 08861592 27/01/2014 Dissolved
TITUS MERCHANTS LIMITED 03510612 16/09/2013 Dissolved
VICKSBURG ADVISORY LLP OC396454 13/11/2014 Dissolved
WELFARE TRADING LIMITED 08364234 20/11/2014 Dissolved
WINTHROP ADVISORY LLP OC391585 03/03/2014 Dissolved
XILE CONSULTING LIMITED 08208712 06/08/2014 Dissolved
YAVIN MARKETING LTD 09518850 31/03/2015 Dissolved
Was formerly involved in the following companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Date Resigned Rating
05319864 LIMITED 05319864 23/09/2013 19/03/2020 Not Trading
395 DEALS LLP OC398594 02/03/2015 05/05/2016 Dissolved
8 ECK 4U LLP OC395755 08/10/2014 05/05/2016 Dissolved
AGRI CONSULTING LLP OC393569 04/06/2014 04/06/2015 Dissolved
APOLY TRADE LTD 08663121 28/03/2016 15/04/2020 Bronze
ASTON TRADE LTD 08909039 24/02/2014 24/02/2015 Dissolved
ATLAS ADVISORY LLP SO303383 09/01/2017 14/02/2019 Dissolved
ATM SECRETARIES LIMITED 05872429 01/07/2014 17/04/2020 Not Trading
BATTERY PLUS LLP OC391586 03/03/2014 05/05/2016 Dissolved
BIRKAT MOON LLP OC399736 06/05/2015 04/05/2016 Dissolved
BRAHA SOLUTION LLP OC400307 11/06/2015 10/06/2016 Dissolved
CASH POINT SERVICES LLP OC399361 15/04/2015 14/04/2016 Dissolved
CLARY CONSULT LLP OC391566 28/02/2014 27/02/2016 Dissolved
COMPANY CREATION CENTRE LIMITED 06770997 12/02/2015 13/10/2016 Amber
CONTINENTAL BUSINESS SUPPORT LLP OC399364 15/04/2015 14/04/2016 Dissolved
CROSSROADS TRADE & INVESTMENT LLP OC385341 22/05/2014 21/04/2020 Dissolved
DAVENPORT WORLD TRADING LTD 10049430 08/03/2016 28/02/2020 Dissolved
DEALS ON WEB LLP OC396243 03/11/2014 01/03/2016 Dissolved
DELTA PROCESSING LIMITED 07872625 30/01/2015 07/07/2016 Dissolved
DYNASTION LTD 08764654 06/11/2013 23/03/2020 Dissolved
E-FOB COMPANY LIMITED 08839264 09/01/2014 22/01/2015 Dissolved
ELIRA LTD 08432359 26/11/2013 19/03/2020 Dissolved
ELLISTON ASSOCIATES LIMITED 08403695 01/10/2013 16/05/2014 Dissolved
EUROPA VISION LLP OC399325 13/04/2015 12/04/2016 Dissolved
EVITERNITYTECH LTD 09178239 15/08/2014 20/02/2020 Dissolved
EXMC PARTNERS LLP OC397462 13/01/2015 05/05/2016 Dissolved
EXPRESS ASSISTANCE UK LIMITED 09023518 02/05/2014 29/06/2018 Dissolved
FISTAC LIMITED 08893824 01/02/2015 03/01/2017 Dissolved
FNP MEDIA LIMITED 05807280 11/12/2014 27/02/2018 Dissolved
GATANBERG STUDIES LLP OC401140 04/08/2015 03/08/2016 Dissolved
HARISOA ACKADEMY LLP OC400940 23/07/2015 22/07/2016 Dissolved
HERTS INTERNATIONAL LLP OC399896 14/05/2015 13/05/2016 Dissolved
ICE CLINIC LLP OC394039 01/07/2014 01/07/2016 Dissolved
ID PREMIUM LLP OC394154 08/07/2014 07/07/2016 Dissolved
IT SOLUTIONS & CONSULT LLP OC396171 29/10/2014 05/05/2016 Dissolved
KALLEMAN PUBLISHING LLP OC400042 23/05/2015 22/05/2016 Dissolved
KARSSIERE LONDON LLP OC400810 15/07/2015 14/07/2016 Dissolved
LB MANAGEMENT LLP OC398391 18/02/2015 03/08/2016 Dissolved
MANNHARD DESIGN LONDON LLP OC401110 03/08/2015 02/08/2016 Dissolved
MARK PETERSON LTD. 08781268 19/11/2013 26/02/2020 Not Trading
MEDIGLO UK LLP OC396169 29/10/2014 08/08/2016 Dissolved
NACKA DATA LLP OC398608 03/03/2015 03/03/2016 Dissolved
NORDHOM SERVICES LLP OC362893 15/06/2016 25/02/2020 Dissolved
NRJCAR LLP OC394155 08/07/2014 10/07/2016 Dissolved
OSIRIUS CONSULTING LTD 08621880 23/07/2013 12/08/2014 Dissolved
OUDEBERG LTD. 08277110 31/10/2016 07/11/2017 Strike Off
PAWLEX LLP OC398374 18/02/2015 20/02/2016 Dissolved
PENNYCROFT INVESTMENTS LIMITED 06340695 10/08/2016 24/03/2020 Bronze
PROCESS IMPROVMENT SOLUTION LLP OC399369 15/04/2015 05/05/2016 Dissolved
RAFT INVESTMENT LIMITED 05017697 20/09/2017 03/03/2020 Silver
RAMLODER CONNECT LLP OC400079 26/05/2015 25/05/2016 Dissolved
REDCROFT ASSOCIATES LIMITED SC305271 02/08/2013 03/03/2020 Gold
SALTING INVEST LLP OC400134 01/06/2015 31/05/2016 Dissolved
SANDYVIEW LIMITED 04992743 30/04/2015 23/03/2020 Bronze
SAVARD MANAGEMENT LLP OC396299 05/11/2014 08/08/2016 Dissolved
SOFTWORPOR CONSULTING LIMITED 06293992 10/06/2013 26/06/2014 Silver
SPECKLE PLUS LLP OC396301 05/11/2014 05/05/2016 Dissolved
ST. JAMES'S CLOSE MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITED 04110537 01/10/2013 17/09/2016 One Red Flag
STAR IMPORT/EXPORT LIMITED 03377881 30/09/2013 13/04/2016 Dissolved
STONE INVESTING LLP OC395666 03/10/2014 08/08/2016 Dissolved
SULLIVAN SYSTEMS, LTD. 07029435 06/05/2014 06/07/2014 Dissolved
SYNEDRION CONSULTING LLP OC396841 02/12/2014 05/05/2016 Dissolved
TECHMANOVA UK LLP OC395754 08/10/2014 08/08/2016 Dissolved
TODOLEADS LLP OC399075 26/03/2015 05/05/2016 Dissolved
TTI GLOBAL LIMITED 09469071 20/03/2015 22/05/2020 Dissolved
TWO BROTHERS ENGINEERING LLP OC397408 08/01/2015 08/08/2016 Dissolved
UAC PARTNERS LLP OC397786 27/01/2015 08/08/2016 Dissolved
ULTRACERO LTD 09966177 22/01/2016 21/01/2017 Dissolved
VAN DROOGENBROECK FINANCE LTD. 08845831 15/01/2014 13/11/2018 Dissolved
VARBERG DEVELOPMENT LLP OC400342 12/06/2015 11/06/2016 Dissolved
VEST FINANCE LLP OC362615 01/05/2019 29/05/2020 Dissolved
WILCORDS SOLUTIONS LLP OC396455 13/11/2014 08/08/2016 Dissolved
ZELDERS CO LLP OC395665 03/10/2014 08/08/2016 Dissolved