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Key Data
Date of Birth
Jan 1970
Is involved with the current companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Rating
12 Yard Scotland Ltd SC222512 24/08/2001 Dissolved
Equitygap.Com Ltd SC213150 24/11/2000 Dissolved
Venture Managers Ltd SC208590 29/06/2000 Dissolved
Was formerly involved in the following companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Date Resigned Rating
CGL ASSET REALISATIONS LIMITED SC083253 30/03/1999 02/10/2000 Dissolved
CLYDEBANK RE-BUILT LIMITED SC239876 20/11/2002 20/11/2002 Dissolved
Childcare First (Renfrewshire) Ltd SC138270 08/12/1998 01/08/2004 Dissolved
EAST END HEALTHY LIVING CENTRE SC255175 02/09/2003 20/09/2004 Dissolved
EJS UK LIMITED SC150220 16/11/1998 07/09/2004 Dissolved
EKOS CONSULTING (UK) LIMITED SC229257 18/03/2002 15/04/2002 Bronze
ENERGY AGENCY SC191428 18/11/1998 11/01/2000 Amber
ENGAGE RENFREWSHIRE SC120101 08/12/1998 01/08/2004 Gold
Equity Gap Ltd. SC203985 21/12/2000 25/08/2003 Dissolved
Essential Product Marketing Ltd SC199349 20/09/1999 01/11/2000 Dissolved
Forth Valley Food Links SC229310 19/03/2002 11/12/2002 Dissolved
GBY GROUP LIMITED SC087989 08/04/2004 19/08/2005 Silver
Greater Pollok Healthy Living Initiative SC259755 25/11/2003 24/08/2005 Dissolved
HEPBURN 30 LIMITED SC226724 07/01/2002 18/09/2002 Dissolved
Hitsport Ltd SC229824 02/04/2002 07/04/2003 Dissolved
LANEPOST LIMITED 03819142 07/09/1999 24/02/2000 Dissolved
Letham Properties Ltd SC216303 01/03/2001 09/09/2004 Dissolved
NAVAN CONSULTING LIMITED SC150492 27/04/1994 01/09/2005 Gold
One Stop Shop Advice Service Ltd SC270840 19/07/2004 01/09/2005 Dissolved
PETERSHILL COMMUNITY INITIATIVE LIMITED SC259178 12/11/2003 29/01/2004 Dissolved
RS FUTURE LIMITED SC190667 21/11/2000 16/02/2001 Dissolved
THE INDIGO CHILDCARE GROUP SC265660 29/03/2004 01/08/2004 Silver
The Interactive University SC236686 29/01/2003 18/08/2004 Dissolved
The Ruchill Community Golf Course Trust SC244277 20/02/2003 01/09/2005 Dissolved