
Key Data
Date of Birth
Dec 1972
Is involved with the current companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Rating
AMAZON GROUP LIMITED 06615578 08/06/2009 Dissolved
AMAZON INVESTCO LIMITED 06615634 08/06/2009 Dissolved
BP INV2 BIDCO LTD 10041974 17/03/2016 Dissolved
European Rescue Services Ltd SC280653 01/03/2005 Dissolved
WELAPTEGA MARINE UK LIMITED SC314132 21/11/2018 Dissolved
Was formerly involved in the following companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Date Resigned Rating
BP INV2 HOLDCO LTD 10041891 17/03/2016 30/11/2021 Dissolved
BP INV2 NEWCO LTD 11077955 03/01/2018 09/12/2021 Dissolved
BP INV2 PLEDGECO LTD 10041931 17/03/2016 03/01/2018 Amber
Britannia Marine Ltd 02165289 02/11/2004 19/10/2007 Dissolved
Britannia Marine Ltd 02165289 02/11/2004 19/10/2007 Dissolved
DEESIDE CREWING SERVICES LIMITED SC262987 27/01/2005 19/10/2007 Amber
DEESIDE CREWING SERVICES LIMITED SC262987 27/01/2005 19/10/2007 Amber
Dynamic Positioning Services (Holding Company) Ltd 04286849 14/03/2008 25/05/2009 Dissolved
Dynamic Positioning Services (Holding Company) Ltd 04286849 14/03/2008 25/05/2009 Dissolved
FET GLOBAL HOLDINGS LIMITED 05976858 03/12/2007 25/05/2009 Three Red Flags (Highest)
FET GLOBAL HOLDINGS LIMITED 05976858 19/11/2007 25/05/2009 Three Red Flags (Highest)
FORUM ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES (UK) LIMITED SC238859 14/03/2008 25/05/2009 Bronze
FORUM ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES (UK) LIMITED SC238859 14/03/2008 25/05/2009 Bronze
FORUM EUROPE HOLDINGS LIMITED SC091614 03/12/2007 25/05/2009 One Red Flag
FORUM EUROPE HOLDINGS LIMITED SC091614 19/11/2007 25/05/2009 One Red Flag
OFFSHORE SUPPORT VESSELS IV LIMITED 00881850 02/11/2004 19/10/2007 Amber
OFFSHORE SUPPORT VESSELS IV LIMITED 00881850 02/11/2004 19/10/2007 Amber
OFFSHORE SUPPORT VESSELS V LIMITED 04241096 02/11/2004 19/10/2007 One Red Flag
OFFSHORE SUPPORT VESSELS V LIMITED 04241096 02/11/2004 19/10/2007 One Red Flag
PERRY SLINGSBY SYSTEMS LIMITED 01401160 03/12/2007 25/05/2009 Dissolved
PERRY SLINGSBY SYSTEMS LIMITED 01401160 19/12/2007 25/05/2009 Dissolved
SBS (ABERDEEN) LIMITED SC250818 10/08/2006 31/08/2007 Dissolved
SBS (ABERDEEN) LIMITED SC250818 10/08/2006 31/08/2007 Dissolved
SBSL HOLDINGS LIMITED SC180512 10/08/2006 31/08/2007 Dissolved
SBSL HOLDINGS LIMITED SC180512 10/08/2006 31/08/2007 Dissolved
SUB-ATLANTIC LIMITED SC172504 03/12/2007 25/05/2009 Dissolved
SUB-ATLANTIC LIMITED SC172504 19/11/2007 25/05/2009 Dissolved
SUBCO UNDERWATER EQUIPMENT LIMITED 04005297 03/12/2007 25/05/2009 Dissolved
SUBCO UNDERWATER EQUIPMENT LIMITED 04005297 19/11/2007 25/05/2009 Dissolved
VIKING SUPPLY SHIPS (HOLDINGS) LIMITED SC303430 24/07/2006 31/08/2007 Bronze
VIKING SUPPLY SHIPS (HOLDINGS) LIMITED SC303430 24/07/2006 31/08/2007 Bronze
VIKING SUPPLY SHIPS LIMITED SC202464 10/08/2006 31/08/2007 Silver
VIKING SUPPLY SHIPS LIMITED SC202464 10/08/2006 31/08/2007 Silver
VISUALSOFT LIMITED SC204808 15/08/2008 25/05/2009 Dissolved
VISUALSOFT LIMITED SC204808 15/08/2008 25/05/2009 Dissolved
VOH SUPPORT VESSELS LIMITED SC228521 02/11/2004 19/10/2007 One Red Flag
VOH SUPPORT VESSELS LIMITED SC228521 02/11/2004 19/10/2007 One Red Flag
VROON OFFSHORE SERVICES LIMITED SC153759 02/11/2004 19/10/2007 One Red Flag
VROON OFFSHORE SERVICES LIMITED SC153759 02/11/2004 19/10/2007 One Red Flag